The Boxcar Librarian

The Boxcar Librarian - A Novel

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag HarperCollins US
Auflage 2025
Seiten 464
Format 13,4 x 20,3 x 2,6 cm
Trade PB
Gewicht 339 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9780063376304
Bestell-Nr 06337630EA


Inspired by true events, a thrilling Depression-era novel from the author of The Librarian of Burned Books about a woman's quest to uncover a mystery surrounding a local librarian and the Boxcar Library-a converted mining train that brought books to isolated rural towns in Montana.

When Works Progress Administration (WPA) editor Millie Lang finds herself on the wrong end of a potential political scandal, she's shipped off to Montana to work on the state's American Guide Series-travel books intended to put the nation's destitute writers to work.

Millie arrives to an eclectic staff claiming their missed deadlines are due to sabotage, possibly from the state's powerful Copper Kings who don't want their long and bloody history with union organizers aired for the rest of the country to read. But Millie begins to suspect that the answer might instead lie with the town's mysterious librarian, Alice Monroe.

More than a decade earlier, Alice Monroe created the Bo xcar Library in order to deliver books to isolated mining towns where men longed for entertainment and connection. Alice thought she found the perfect librarian to staff the train car in Colette Durand, a miner's daughter with a shotgun and too many secrets behind her eyes.

Now, no one in Missoula will tell Millie why both Alice and Colette went out on the inaugural journey of the Boxcar Library, but only Alice returned.

The three women's stories dramatically converge in the search to uncover what someone is so desperately trying to hide: what happened to Colette Durand.

Inspired by the fascinating, true history of Missoula's Boxcar Library, the novel blends the story of the strong, courageous women who survived and thrived in the rough and rowdy West with that of the power of standing together to fight for workers' lives. And through it all shines the capacity of books to provide connection and light to those who need it most.


"Inspired by the real Missoula Boxcar Library, Labuskes (The Lost Book of Bonn, 2024) explores how isolation and distrust let corruption thrive, how community strengthens our bonds, and how our stories can connect us better than just about anything else." - Booklist

"The plot is complicated by union conflict [and] several mysteries and murders. Early 20th-century Montana is well-evoked, and the three bookish characters are always engaging." - Historical Novel Society

"Brianna Labuskes explores union politics, gender and power dynamics, and the role of artists in society in her sweeping third historical novel. [She] examines the power of stories to move people, provide a balm for losses, and inspire a new way of living. The Boxcar Librarian is a treat for history fans and book lovers." - Shelf Awareness

"I've always believed that the most memorable historical novels are those that, by shining a light on the past, show us a better way forward into the future . Brianna Labuskes's masterful debut is one such novel. Alternating between time periods, and armed with three richly drawn characters, Labuskes unfurls a story of censorship and fear in 1930s Germany and of hope and grit in 1944 New York. A propulsive, immersive, expertly crafted debut that reminds us of the perils of censorship, the power of books, and the duty we all have to stand up for the freedoms we hold dear." - Kristin Harmel, New York Times bestselling author, on The Librarian of Burned Books

"The Lost Book of Bonn sheds light on the the youth groups of Germany who fought back against Hitler and highlights the Aryan women who protested the arrest of their Jewish husbands. Equal parts riveting and heart wrenching, this is a story of fighting back, of doing what's right. Brianna Labuskes has done it again with another powerful book about books that historical fiction fans will adore." - Madeline Martin, New York Times bestselling author

"Masterfully woven and intricately rendered, The Lost Book of Bonn is a poignant tale of courage and sacrifice in the face of great evil. Brianna Labuskes gives us a fascinating glimpse into the Edelweiss Pirates and those in Germany who were brave enough to take a stand against the Nazis. Both enlightening and heartrending, this book is impossible to put down!"
- Sara Ackerman, USA Today bestselling author of The Codebreaker's Secret

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