The Star Wars Trilogy

The Star Wars Trilogy

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Auflage 2015
Seiten 688
Format 10,6 x 19 x 3,8 cm
Gewicht 378 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
Reihe Star Wars
ISBN-10 1101885378
EAN 9781101885376
Bestell-Nr 10188537UA


A special anniversary collector s edition featuring the novels of all three classic films Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Forty years after the phenomenon was born, Star Wars remains one of the greatest science fantasy sagas ever told. Read these stories and rediscover the wonder of the epic that begins:
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. . . .
Star Wars Trilogy is a must-read for anyone who wants to relive the excitement, the magic, and the sheer entertainment of this legendary saga now and forever.



It was a vast, shining globe and it cast a light of lambent topaz into space ­but it was not a sun. Thus, the planet had fooled men for a long time. Not until entering close orbit around it did its discoverers realize that this was a world in a binary system and not a third sun itself.

At first it seemed certain nothing could exist on such a planet, least of all humans. Yet both massive Gl and G2 stars orbited a common center with peculiar regularity, and Tatooine circled them far enough out to permit the development of a rather stable, if exquisitely hot, climate. Mostly this was a dry desert of a world, whose unusual starlike yellow glow was the result of double sunlight striking sodium-­rich sands and flats. That same sunlight suddenly shone on the thin skin of a metallic shape falling crazily toward the atmosphere.

The erratic course the galactic cruiser was traveling was intentional, not the product of injury but of a desperate desire to avoid it. Longstreaks of intense energy slid close past its hull, a multihued storm of destruction like a school of rainbow remoras fighting to attach themselves to a larger, unwilling host.

One of those probing, questing beams succeeded in touching the fleeing ship, striking its principal solar fin. Gemlike fragments of metal and plastic erupted into space as the end of the fin disintegrated. The vessel seemed to shudder.

The source of those multiple energy beams suddenly hove into view ­a lumbering Imperial cruiser, its massive outline bristling cactuslike with dozens of heavy weapons emplacements. Light ceased arching from those spines now as the cruiser moved in close. Intermittent explosions and flashes of light could be seen in those portions of the smaller ship which had taken hits. In the absolute cold of space, the cruiser snuggled up alongside its wounded prey.

Another distant explosion shook the ship ­but it certainly didn t feel distant to Artoo-­Detoo or See-­Threepio. The concussion bounced them around the narrow corridor like bearings in an old motor.

To look at these two, one would have supposed that the tall, human-­like machine, Threepio, was the master and the stubby, tripodal robot, Artoo-­Detoo, an inferior. But while Threepio might have sniffed disdainfully at the suggestion, they were in fact equal in everything save loquacity. Here Threepio was clearly ­and necessarily ­the superior.

Still another explosion rattled the corridor, throwing Threepio off balance. His shorter companion had the better of it during such moments with his squat, cylindrical body s low center of gravity well balanced on thick, clawed legs.

Artoo glanced up at Threepio, who was steadying himself against a corridor wall. Lights blinked enigmatically around a single mechanical eye as the smaller robot studied the battered casing of his friend. A patina of metal and fibrous dust coated the usually gleaming bronze finish, and there were some visible dents ­all the result of the pounding the rebel ship they were on had been taking.

Accompanying the last attack was a persistent deep hum which even the loudest explosion had not been able to drown out. Then for no apparent reason, the basso thrumming abruptly ceased, and the only sounds in the otherwise deserted corridor came from the eerie dry-­twig crackle of shorting relays or the pops of dying circuitry. Explosions began to echo through the ship once more, but they were far away from the corridor.

Threepio turned his smooth, humanlike head to one side. Metallic ears listened intently. The imitation of a human pose was hardly necessary ­Threepio s auditory sensors were fully omnidirectional ­but the slim robot had been programmed to blend perfectly among human company. This programming extended even to mimicry of human gestures.

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