The Burnout Workbook

The Burnout Workbook - Advice and Exercises to Help You Unlock the Stress Cycle

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Auflage 2023
Seiten 176
Format 17,7 x 22,7 x 1,2 cm
Gewicht 344 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9780593578377
Bestell-Nr 59357837EA


Solve the cycle of overwhelm and exhaustion, and empower yourself to create positive change. This interactive workbook from the experts behind the New York Times bestseller Burnout offers up the tools and tips to help get you there.

We all want to achieve wellness. But wellness is not a state of mind or a state of being it s a state of action. It s the freedom to oscillate through all the cycles of being human: from effort to rest, sleeping to waking, autonomy to connection. Burnout, on the other hand, happens when we get stuck. The Burnout Workbook will help you notice when you get stuck and show you how to get unstuck inside you'll find:

engaging questionsexercises to practice skillsvisual guidesstoriesquotesand more!
Feel better, minimize stress, manage your emotions, and live a more joyful life. Whether or not you've read Burnout, this workbook will help you learn what true wellness can look like in your life.



Welcome! The fact that you re reading this probably means you have hope that you can feel better, even if you re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. And you re right! You can feel better.

This workbook will show you how. This workbook grew out of Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, our bestselling book about stress, which surveys the ways women exprience being overwhelmed, complete with all the receipts stories, cultural context, and academic citations from many sciences that detail the problem so the solutions make sense. The book explains both how to feel better and why these strategies work when so much mainstream advice for managing stress fails. It was the book Amelia needed when burnout put her in the hospital twice. Since the book came out, we ve learned that lots of readers are looking for help right now they just need results ASAP, and the receipts are optional.

Some of the exercises in this workbook will help you right awa y, some will become strategies you ll use in moments of stress, and some may require practice and time before you start to see how helpful they are. If a certain exercise doesn t seem to click for you, don t worry. That s normal. Not everything will work for everyone. But everyone will find something that helps.

You re Striving to Find Peace. Will This Workbook Give You That?

A lot of folks we ve talked to have the goal of reaching a state of peace and staying there. But the body is not built to be only at peace. We re built to oscillate from peace to stress, then return to peace, and back again.

The goal of this workbook is wellness. Wellness is not a state of mind or a state of being. Wellness is a state of action. It s the freedom to move through all cycles of being human: from effort to rest and back, from autonomy to connection and back, from sleeping to waking, from eating to digesting, from inhaling to exhaling, etc. Burnout happens when we get st uck. These pages will help you notice when you get stuck and show you what you can do to get unstuck.

How to Use This Workbook . . .

Ruin it! Write all over it. Tear things out and stuff them in your planner. Use pens and highlighters, crayons and markers. Circle stuff. Dog-ear pages. Shove it in your bag, carry it everywhere, beat it to hell. The more you interact with it and make it your own, the more you ll learn. Think of this workbook like a lime. You want to use every part the juice, the zest, and the peel. When you re done, what s left should be a pile of nearly unrecognizable mess. If in the end it still looks like a lime, you haven t squeezed out everything that it has to offer.

Go in order . . . ish. The book is designed to be read from beginning to end. Exercises and information are cumulative, so they will be most effective if you do them in order. That said, if there s something you know you need help with right now (for example, sleep), go ahead and skip straight to that topic. The exercises will still work independently.

Practice nonjudgment. There s an appendix with detailed instructions on mindful nonjudgment, but the short version is this: Nonjudgment just means noticing that your brain has flooded your attention with thoughts about how good or bad a thing is, which may not always be relevant, and can be distracting. Set aside thoughts of liking or disliking, and keep your attention on the task at hand.

Don t do anything you don t want to do. There are a wide variety of exercises that use as many senses and ways of thinking as we could manage. In general, if you find an exercise that works for you, great! It s most effective to focus on the ones that use your streng

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