Orthopaedic Surgery Review - Questions and Answers
Verlag | Thieme |
Auflage | 2009 |
Seiten | 500 |
Format | 17,9 x 25,5 x 1,9 cm |
Paperback (Perfect Binding) | |
Gewicht | 731 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 1604060425 |
EAN | 9781604060423 |
Bestell-Nr | 60406042UA |
Prepare for the boards with an outstanding review of core topics in orthopedic surgery
This book is a valuable tool for studying and reviewing key concepts in orthopedic surgery. Written in a question-and-answer format, this review tests readers' knowledge of surgical anatomy, biomechanics, and the principles of diagnosis and treatment of common and rare pathologies. Each chapter covers a different anatomic region, enabling quick reference to topics of interest. The book also features additional chapters on basic science as well as important clinical concepts related to oncologic management, pediatric surgery, and rehabilitation.
- 5,276 questions and answers that provide comprehensive coverage of essential concepts- Two-column format with questions on the left and answers on the right for rapid review- Emphasis on specific details that are frequently tested in a closing chapter, "Last-Minute Rapid Review of Selected Topics"
Designed for r esidents, orthopedic surgeons, and medical students, this book is ideal as a supplemental study aid in preparation for board examinations and as a refresher prior to performing surgeries.