Global Political Economy, Geopolitics and International Security - The World in Permacrisis
Verlag | Springer |
Auflage | 2024 |
Seiten | 351 |
Format | 14,8 x 2,3 x 21,0 cm |
Gewicht | 565 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
EAN | 9789819722303 |
Bestell-Nr | 81972230DA |
The volume delves into the intricate web of contemporary permacrisis rooted in the strategic imperatives of nation-states. Through a historical lens, it navigates the evolving landscape of international politics, tracing the transition of power dynamics from purely military to a fusion of economic and military prowess. The contributions in the volume argue that this shift has redefined the traditional balance of power, with economic instruments emerging as potent tools for geopolitical manoeuvring. Examining the interplay of geopolitical, geoeconomic, and security imperatives, it scrutinises the complex relationships that often perpetuate crises instead of global stability. It sheds light on the unprecedented hybridity of modern warfare, where military and economic dimensions intertwine, exemplified by the ongoing tensions between the liberal international order on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other. Recognising this complexity, the volume raises concerns about th e uneven capacity of states to navigate these imperatives. Beneficial for specialists in International Relations and Strategic Studies, policymakers, security experts, scholars, and postgraduate students, this comprehensive volume offers insights into the intricate dynamics of geopolitics, political economy, and security issues of our time.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Context and Drivers of Permacrisis.- Chapter 2: Geopolitical Narratives and Decisions in Permacrisis: Reason, Emotion and Security.- Chapter 3: Geoeconomics, Geopolitics and the Contemporary International Order: Some Reflections.- Chapter 4: In Search of Global South Liberalism: Prospects and Challenges.- Chapter 5: Resources, Economic Prosperity and International Conflicts.- Chapter 6: On the Geoeconomic Drivers of International Conflicts.- Chapter 7: International Diplomacy in the Era of Permacrisis: Competing Worldviews.- Chapter 8: The Changing Nature of Conflict and Ramifications on International Humanitarian Law.- Chapter 9: 'Idealist's Dream or Realist's Cudgel': Examining Sanctions as Instruments of Statecraft.- Chapter 10: Leverage in Energy Security: weaponizing for good and bad.- Chapter 11: International Security and Irregular Cross-border Migration in times of Permacrisis.- Chapter 12: International Management of Complex Humanitarian Emerg encies: Challenges Ahead.- Chapter 13: China's Transition from 'Peaceful Rise' to 'Chinese Dream': A Critical Assessment of China's changing narrative under Xi Jinping.- Chapter 14: China's Geo-economic manoeuvrings in Southeast Asia: Security Challenges and Implications.- Chapter 15: Neoliberalism, Geoeconomics and the Chinese Reality: The BRI Experience in Southeast Asia.- Chapter 16: India's Role in the Indo-Pacific Region: An Overview of Strategic Geopolitical Convergences.- Chapter 17: Analysing opportunities for India in Africa's Economic Integration in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area.- Chapter 18: (Re) Positioning Myanmar in the India-China Congagement Politics.