Der »große Bogen« oder auch »arc de cercle ist mit seiner Ambivalenz des Kontrollverlusts und der Beherrschung ein verführerisches Motiv, das eine lange Tradition in der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte hat. Es findet sich in Darstellungen von Tanz und Akrobatik, beschreibt aber auch physische oder psychische Krankheiten: Der überstreckte (Frauen-)Körper drückt ekstatische Entrückung oder auch eine psychotische Störung aus, im Tanz aber steht er für virtuose Körperbeherrschung und Expressivität. Mit »Arch of Hysteria« widment das Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, eine Ausstellung diesem bildmächtige Motiv. Es werden Kunstwerke der letzten 100 Jahre aus verschiedenen Kontexten gezeigt und so der Vielfalt der Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten nachgegangen, die der Pose innewohnen - bis hin zu ihrer Umwandlung in abstrakte, aber dennoch expressive und daher unverkennbare Formen. Buch und Ausstellung beleuchten die (kunst)geschichtlichen Wurzeln des Motivs ebenso wie aktuelle Fortschreibungen in Malerei, Zeichnung, Skulptur, Fotografie, Video- sowie Performancekunst. Unter den ProtagonistInnen finden sich u. a. Denis Darzacq, Max Ernst, Georg Herold, Gustav Klimt, Alfred Kubin, Auguste Rodin, aber auch Alexandra Bircken, Louise Bourgeois, Ronit Porat, Barbis Ruder, Charlotte Rudolph, Valerie Schmidt und VALIE EXPORT; dabei sind viele Arbeiten extra für die Schau entstanden und werden in diesem Buch erstmals abgebildet.
Museum der Moderne Salzburg, 21/7/2023 - 14/1/2024
Paul Verhaeghe teaches as a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst at Ghent University. An internationally renowned Freud and Lacan specialist, he is the author of several books; his latest ' What About Me? The struggle for identity in a market-based society' (9781922247377; Scribe publisher) has been translated into several languages. Lena Nievers studied art history and English language and literature in Aberdeen. 2008 PhD in art history at the University of Cologne and got curator at Kunsthalle Emden. Since 2018 she is curator and head of the collection of Modern Art at Museum der Moderne Salzburg. Christina von Braun is cultural theorist, author and filmmaker. Born in Rome in 1944, sh studied in the USA and Germany. From 1969 to 1981 based in Paris as a freelance author and filmmaker. From 1997 founder and until 2002 director of the Gender Studies program at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In 2013, Christina von Braun received the Sigmund Freud Culture Prize, awarded by the German Psychoanalytic Association to non-analysts who apply psychoanalytic theories to cultural phenomena. In 2014, she received the Hedwig Dohm Medal of the German Association of Women Journalists. Kerstin Stremmel became increasingly interested in art history and photography in particular during her studies for the higher service in academic libraries and documentation centers (graduation with a diploma). In 2000, her doctoral studies in art history and German language and literature were followed by a dissertation on the citation in photography. Since then she has taught photography theory at the University of Cologne and the Hochschule fü r Gestaltung in Zurich. Since 2021, she is now the Collection Manager and Curator of Photography and Media Art at the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg. Born in London, Esther Freud is the daughter of Bernardine Coverley and painter Lucian Freud. She is also a great-granddaughter of Sigmund Freud and nice of Clement Freud. She travelled extensively with her mother as a child, returning to London at 16 to train as an actress at The Drama Centre. She lives in London and is married with the actor David Morrissey, they have three children. Mariama Diagne is a dance scholar and trained dancer. Since 2022, she works as postdoc at the DFG collaborative research centre 1512 on ' Intervening arts' where she explores the intertwining of theory and practice through poetic analysis, casting anticolonial perspectives on the canon and present of the performing arts and their social location. As a dramatic advisor with a focus on dance and writing, she accompanies artists with postcolonial approach at Ballhaus Naunynstraß e. She is chair of the board of Gesellschaft fü r Tanzforschung (gtf). Harald Krejci (b. 1970) studied art history, art didactics and Italian philology in Munich and Augsburg. In 2009, he came to Vienna's Belvedere, where from 2016 he was chief curator for the three houses of the Federal Museum as well as head of the 20th century collection. Since the beginning of 2023, the 52-year-old has now presided over the Museum der Moderne Salzburg as its new director.
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