Demokratie in Kinderschuhen - Partizipation & KiTas. Mit einem Vorwort von Armin Krenz
Verlag | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht |
Auflage | 2016 |
Seiten | 143 |
Format | 15,5 x 23,3 x 1,0 cm |
Gewicht | 258 g |
Reihe | Frühe Bildung und Erziehung Band |
ISBN-10 | 3525701144 |
ISBN-13 | 9783525701140 |
Bestell-Nr | 52570114A |
Partizipation, die schon im Kindergarten gelebt, erfahren und begriffen wird, ist ein positiver Erfahrungsschatz, der die Kinder in ihrer Entwicklung stärkt und für ein Leben als mündige und selbstbestimmte Heranwachsende rüstet. Ausgehend vom humanistischen Menschenbild plädiert Marita Dobrick dafür, Kindern echte Wahlmöglichkeiten zuzugestehen, ihnen Entscheidungsfreiräume zu geben, und ggf. mit ihnen Kompromisse auszuhandeln. Man darf Kindern vertrauen und man kann ihnen etwas zutrauen. ErzieherInnen, die ihren Kindern sowohl Wurzeln als auch Flügel geben und ihre Rechte beachten, legen dadurch einen wichtigen Grundstein für die Weiterentwicklung des Demokratieverständnisses in unserer Gesellschaft.
Mitsprache, Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten und Mitbeteiligung von Kindern in der KiTa.
How empathetic, appreciative and cooperative caretakers are in nursery schools - in their roles as teachers and learners alike - has a powerful and formative influence on the lives of the children in their custody. Participation can be experienced and understood even in nursery school; it is a positive treasure trove that strengthens children in their social development and prepares them for a life as responsible and self-determined youths and adults. Based on a humanistic view of social life, Marita Dobrick makes the case that children should always have true choices, plenty of room for making their own decisions and, if necessary, compromises. We can trust children and we can have confidence in their judgement. Caretakers who give children both roots and wings and observe their rights will lay the cornerstone for a life of democracy in our society.
How empathetic, appreciative and cooperative caretakers are in nursery schools - in their roles as teachers and learners alike - has a powerful and formative influence on the lives of the children in their custody. Participation can be experienced and understood even in nursery school; it is a positive treasure trove that strengthens children in their social development and prepares them for a life as responsible and self-determined youths and adults. Based on a humanistic view of social life, Marita Dobrick makes the case that children should always have true choices, plenty of room for making their own decisions and, if necessary, compromises. We can trust children and we can have confidence in their judgement. Caretakers who give children both roots and wings and observe their rights will lay the cornerstone for a life of democracy in our society.