Brinker, Piermattei and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair

Brinker, Piermattei and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
141,50 €
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Verlag Saunders
Auflage 2016
Seiten 880
Format 18,6 x 25,9 x 2,9 cm
Gewicht 1428 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
ISBN-10 1437723640
EAN 9781437723649
Bestell-Nr 43772364UA


Stay ahead of the rising demand for orthopedic surgery in veterinary practice with the most trusted handbook for small animal orthopedics. Brinker, Piermattei, and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair, 5th Edition is the expert reference you need to successfully understand, diagnose, and treat the wide variety of conditions affecting the locomotor system in small animals. As with previous editions, this comprehensive handbook offers readers a clear and consistent description of the most common orthopedic conditions along with the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical approach, surgical techniques, complications, and follow-up recommendations that accompany them. This new edition also includes the latest information on fractures, musculoskeletal diseases, and the advances in methods of fixation, lameness correction, and joint surgery. Not only will readers gain access to routinely used orthopedic treatments - such a s plating, wiring, and pinning techniques - this handbook also discusses the more complex modalities - like minimally invasive surgery, and angle stable fixation systems with the newest information on interlocking nail and locking plate technologies. With this unrivaled reference, you'll have the expert guidance you need to successfully diagnose and treat nearly any musculoskeletal case you may encounter in daily practice.
Clear, concise coverage covers the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical approach, surgical techniques, complications, and follow-up recommendations for the most common orthopedic conditions. Step-by-step line drawings clearly illustrate different types of fractures and demonstrate the surgical procedures used to affect repairs - detail that can't be conveyed in clinical photographs. Anatomical organization provides quick access to information on both fractures and other conditions for each region of the body. NEW! Advan ces in joint surgeries, specifically the knee, shoulder, and elbow, keep practitioners abreast of the latest technology and best practices. NEW! Coverage of minimally invasive surgery has been added to the many chapters. NEW! Advances in imaging (MRI, CT, and radiographs) are included to keep practitioners up to date on the latest technology. Updates on new fixation technologies include angle stable interlocking nails and locking plate fracture fixation systems. Updates on common surgeries include triple pelvic osteotomy and total hip replacement NEW! High-definition clinical photographs have been added to give readers a closer view of various fractures and repair techniques.


Part I: Diagnosis and Treatment of Fractures, Lameness and Joint Disease
1. Orthopedic Examination and Diagnostic Tools
2. Fractures: Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
3. Bone Grafting
4. Delayed Union and Nonunion
5. Treatment of Acute and Chronic Bone Infections
6. Arthrology
7. Principles of Joint Surgery
8. Arthroscopy in Joint Surgery

Part II: Fractures and Orthopedic Conditions of the Forelimb
9. Fractures of the Scapula
10. The Shoulder Joint
11. Fractures of the Humerus
12. The Elbow Joint
13. Fractures of the Radius and Ulna
14. Fractures and Other Orthopedic Conditions of the Carpus, Metacarpus, and Phalanges

Part III: Fractures and Orthopedic Conditions of the Hindlimb
15. Fractures of the Pelvis
16. The Hip Joint
17. Fractures of the Femur and Patella
18. The Stifle Joint
19. Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula
20. Fractures and Other Orthopedic Injuries of the Tarsus, Metatarsus, and Phalanges

Part IV: Other Fractures and Reconstruction of Bone Deformity
21. Fractures and Luxations of the Mandible and Maxilla
22. Fractures in Growing Animals
23. Correction of Abnormal Bone Growth and Healing

Part V: Miscellaneous Conditions of the Musculoskeletal System
24. Disease Conditions in Small Animals

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