Clinical Anatomy Q & A
Verlag | Thieme |
Auflage | 2019 |
Seiten | 400 |
Format | 21,6 x 27,9 x 2,6 cm |
Paperback (Perfect Binding) | |
Gewicht | 1332 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
Reihe | Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE |
ISBN-10 | 1626234213 |
EAN | 9781626234215 |
Bestell-Nr | 62623421UA |
Ensure readiness for the USMLE® or any other high-stakes exam covering clinical anatomy!
Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Clinical Anatomy by Mark Hankin, Dennis Morse, Judith Venuti, and Malli Barremkala features over 600 USMLE®-style multiple choice anatomical questions, classified as easy, moderate, and difficult, with detailed explanations. Chapters are organized by organ system and questions are categorized by anatomical region. Questions begin with a clinical vignette and are based on actual case reports, often incorporating patient and diagnostic images.
Key Highlights
- Award-winning Thieme anatomical illustrations used extensively in both questions and explanations provide exceptional clarity
- In-depth coverage of the lymphatic and endocrine systems
- Approximately 25% questions are image-based, mirroring the USMLE® format
This essential resource will help you assess your knowledge and fully prepare for the USMLE® Step 1 or COMLEX Le vel 1 exam.
Be prepared for your board exam with the Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE® series!
Das: Histology and Embryology Q&A
Das and Baugh: Medical Neuroscience Q&A
Fontes and McCarthy: Medical Biochemistry Q&A
Harriott et al: Medical Microbiology and Immunology Q&A
Kemp and Brown: Pathology Q&A
Waite and Sheakley: Medical Physiology Q&A
1 Nervous System
2 Musculoskeletal System
3 Cardiovascular System
4 Respiratory System
5 Urinary System
6 Digestive System
7 Female Reproductive System
8 Male Reproductive System
9 Endocrine System
10 Lymphatic System