Compassionate Accountability

Compassionate Accountability - How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
von Regier, Nate, PhD
30,70 €
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Verlag Penguin US
Auflage 2023
Seiten 240
Format 15,3 x 1,7 x 23,6 cm
Gewicht 326 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781523004539
Bestell-Nr 52300453UA


A compass for leaders lost in the paradoxical space between attention to people and attention to results with Compassionate Accountability you don t have to choose!

Sadly, compassion and accountability are too often in tension leaders feel they have to pick one or the other. But solely prioritizing accountability can create toxic work environments that drive away good talent. On the other end of the spectrum, being too nice can compromise performance and productivity.

Finding harmony between compassion and accountability is the ultimate catalyst for improved results and a thriving workplace.

The solution is recognizing that compassion and accountability are not opposites. In fact, accountability is an element of compassion. Compassionate Accountability is the process of building connection while getting results. This book shows how this foundational mindset, philosophy, and way of living can lead to a thriving organizational culture. It covers such topics as t hese:

Why you can t practice compassion without accountabilityHow to turn on the three switches of the compassion mindset and the predictable damaging consequences when they re turned offThe key role Compassionate Accountability plays in a healthy leadership cultureSix areas to focus on to start building your culture of Compassionate AccountabilityFive common barriers to compassion for leaders and how to overcome them
Plus, readers will find real case examples of how organizations have adopted Compassionate Accountability, along with quizzes and self-assessments to help them learn and apply the concepts.

Leaders seeking a renewed sense of fulfillment in their roles and increased leadership impact will find inspiration, guidance, and a road map for cultural transformation.


Compassion might sound soft. But it s actually hard both difficult to master and essential in business. Compassionate Accountability is a bracing corrective to our misperceptions about this trait and a practical guide for deepening anyone s leadership capabilities.
Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Regret, Drive, and To Sell Is Human

The servant leadership movement just got a big boost with Dr. Regier s new book, Compassionate Accountability. Nate captures the essence of what it means to lead others with humility and kindness while keeping a laser focus on results. If you are ready to upgrade your leadership mindset and skill set, this book is a must-read!
Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager and Servant Leadership in Action

Nate Regier demystifies compassion in leadership and helps make it practical. This is a fantastic playbook for helping change work from the inside out.
Scott Shute, former Hea d of Mindfulness and Compassion Programs, LinkedIn, and author of The Full Body Yes

Tribes that have a just cause and purpose have a competitive advantage in good and not-so-good times. Compassionate Accountability distills the essence of what matters most and guides any leader, team, or company on how to build a culture that can flourish even during times of struggle.
Garry Ridge, The Culture Coach and Chairman Emeritus, WD-40 Company

Dr. Nate Regier s latest book is a must read for anyone who is in a leadership role, aspiring to take on a leadership role, or trying to improve themselves, their team, or their entire organization today. In a world that seems more focused on judging, blaming and fault-finding, Nate s approach is a breath of fresh air! Compassionate Accountability is not another theory but an actionable process for mindfulness, social and emotional intelligence, leadership agility, inclusion, presence, healthy conflict, and resiliency. Nate brings his over 40 years of executive coaching experience following his stakeholder-centered coaching, as Nate calls it, to bear in the creation of Compassionate Accountability. He guides us each step of the way, from the evolution of compassion and how compassion and accountability are complementary, to the model of The Compassionate Mindset (turning on the VCR Value, Capability, and Responsibility switches), to building a culture of Compassionate Accountability, including real world examples of organizations that have implemented this mindset successfully throughout the company starting at the very top. Nate even includes a section on overcoming the perceived barriers that are often associated with compassion, particularly in the workplace. If you are truly serious about transforming yourself, your team, your entire organization then Compassion Accountability is for you!
Jeff Hayes, President and CEO, The Myers-Briggs Company

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