Competing in the New World of Work

Competing in the New World of Work - How Radical Adaptability Separates the Best from the Rest

Buchleinen, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Harvard Business Review Press
Auflage 2022
Seiten 256
Format 16,2 x 2,5 x 24,4 cm
Gewicht 525 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781647821951
Bestell-Nr 64782195UA


A Wall Street Journal bestseller

The #1 New York Times bestselling author on how to use radical adaptability to win in a world of unprecedented change.

You've shed antiquated systems and processes. You went all-in on digital. Your teams settled into new, often better, ways of doing things. But did your organization change enough to stay competitive in the post-pandemic world? Did you fully leverage the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leap forward and grow stronger? Are you shaping the new environment to your advantage?

If not, it's not too late to learn from the best.

New York Times #1 bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi, along with coauthors Kian Gohar and Noel Weyrich, shows leaders how to shape their organizations and practices to remain competitive in a new, post-pandemic context. Based on an ambitious global research initiative involving thousands of executives, innovators, and changemakers who redefined their strategies, business model s, organizational systems, and even their cultures, Competing in the New World of Work:
Offers a bold new vision for the organization of the futureReveals the workplace innovations that emerged during the pandemicDefines the new model of leadership-radical adaptability-for sustaining continuous change throughout the coming years of opportunity and transformation

Competing in the New World of Work is both your inspiration and your road map to embracing new realities, motivating talent, and winning bold frontiers.


Named one of the Top 20 Leadership Books of 2022 by The Next Big Idea Club

"Competing in the New World of Work is an inspirational road map for embracing new realities, motivating talent and winning bold frontiers." - SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)

Advance Praise for Competing in the New World of Work:

"Every new era opens with its crystallizing crisis. World War II accelerated aviation by twenty years, sparking the jet age that transformed travel. The pandemic accelerated the transformation of work. Ferrazzi has written the bible on the fluid adaptability that organizations now need to survive and thrive." - Scott Cook, cofounder, Intuit

"Ferrazzi and his team have delivered a timely and powerful guide to help readers navigate and thrive in this unprecedented period of opportunity." - Tami Erwin, CEO, Verizon Business

"Competing in the New World of Work provides compelling, research-based methods for how to make your organizati on radically adaptable to a future that's coming at you faster than you think." - Jack Canfield, founder, Transformational Leadership Council; coauthor, The Success Principles

"A new world and new way of working are here. Ferrazzi, Gohar, and Weyrich deliver an excellent blueprint for success that we, as leaders across industries, will find beneficial as we continue to manage change in an ever-evolving, agile world." - CeCe Morken, CEO, Headspace Inc.

"Competing in the New World of Work coaches you on how to collaborate, retain talent, see around corners, and thrive in an age of disruption. Don't go back to the old rules of work-read this book and go forward!" - Peter H. Diamandis, founder and Executive Chairman, XPRIZE and Singularity University; New York Times bestselling author, Abundance, Bold, and The Future Is Faster Than You Think

"Unsurprisingly, Ferrazzi has done it again! His new book teaches you how to develop the leadership competencies necessary t o help you and your team 'radically adapt' for this new post-pandemic, hybrid world." - Mindy Grossman, President and CEO, WW International

"In a turbulent world, you have three options. You can resist change and become obsolete, react to change and struggle to survive, or anticipate change and adapt in advance. This is a hands-on guide for choosing the third path." - Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author, Think Again; host, TED podcast WorkLife with Adam Grant

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