Dark Force Rising: Star Wars Legends (The Thrawn Trilogy)

Dark Force Rising: Star Wars Legends (The Thrawn Trilogy)

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Auflage 2021
Seiten 480
Format 13,9 x 20,9 x 2,4 cm
Gewicht 379 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
Reihe Thrawn-Trilogie / Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy - Legends 2
EAN 9780593358795
Bestell-Nr 59335879EA


In this essential Star Wars Legends novel, the sequel to Heir to the Empire, Grand Admiral Thrawn s sinister plan threatens to spell doom for the fledgling New Republic and its most iconic heroes.

The dying Empire s most cunning and ruthless warlord, Grand Admiral Thrawn, has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial Fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic s destruction. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies.

Yet most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness, and scheming to corrupt Luke Skywalker to the dark side.



Directly ahead, the star was a marble-sized yellow-orange ball, its intensity moderated by its distance and by the viewports automatic sunscreens. Surrounding it and the ship itself were the stars, a spattering of blazing white pinpricks in the deep blackness of space. Directly beneath the ship, in the western part of the Great Northern Forest of the planet Myrkr, dawn was approaching.

The last dawn that some in that forest would ever see.

Standing at one of the side bridge viewports of the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera, Captain Pellaeon watched as the fuzzy terminator line crept toward the target zone on the planet below. Ten minutes ago, the ground forces surrounding the target had reported themselves ready; the Chimaera itself had been holding blockade position for nearly an hour. All that was missing now was the order to attack.

Slowly, feeling almost furtive about it, Pellaeon turned his head a couple of centimeters to the side. Behin d him and to his right, Grand Admiral Thrawn was seated at his command station, his blue-skinned face expressionless, his glowing red eyes focused on the bank of status readouts wrapped around his chair. He hadn t spoken or moved from that position since the last of the ground forces had reported in, and Pellaeon could tell the bridge crew was beginning to get restless.

For his own part, Pellaeon had long since stopped trying to second-guess Thrawn s actions. The fact that the late Emperor had seen fit to make Thrawn one of his twelve Grand Admirals was evidence of his own confidence in the man all the more so given Thrawn s not-entirely-human heritage and the Emperor s well-known prejudices in such matters. Moreover, in the year since Thrawn had taken command of the Chimaera and had begun the task of rebuilding the Imperial Fleet, Pellaeon had seen the Grand Admiral s military genius demonstrated time and again. Whatever his reason for holding off the attack, Pellaeon knew it was a good one.

As slowly as he d turned away, he turned back to the viewport. But his movements had apparently not gone unnoticed. A question, Captain? Thrawn s smoothly modulated voice cut through the low hum of bridge conversation.

No, sir, Pellaeon assured him, turning again to face his superior.

For a moment those glowing eyes studied him, and Pellaeon unconsciously braced himself for a reprimand, or worse. But Thrawn, as Pellaeon still had a tendency to forget, did not have the legendary and lethal temper that had been the hallmark of the Lord Darth Vader. You re perhaps wondering why we haven t yet attacked? the Grand Admiral suggested in that same courteous tone.

Yes, sir, I was, Pellaeon admitted. All our forces appear to be in position.

Our military forces are, yes, Thrawn agreed. But not the observers I sent into Hyllyard City.

Pellaeon blinked. Hyllyard City?

Yes. I find it unlikely that a man of Tal on Karrde s cunning would set up a base in the middle of a forest without also setting up security contacts with others outside the immediate area. Hyllyard City is too far from Karrde s base for anyone there to directly witness our attack; hence, any sudden flurries of activity in the city will imply the existence of a more subtle line of communication. From that we ll be able to identify Karrde s contacts and put them under long-term surveillance. Eventually, they ll lead us to him.

Yes, sir, Pellaeon said, feeling a frown crease his forehead. Then you re not expecting to take any of Karrde s own people alive.

The Grand Admiral s smile turned brittle. On the contrary. I fully expect our forces to find an empty and abandoned

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