Getting Back to Happy

Getting Back to Happy - Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, and Turn Your Trials into Triumphs

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Auflage 2021
Seiten 272
Format 13,9 x 20,9 x 1,7 cm
Gewicht 274 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9780143132783
Bestell-Nr 14313278EA


Instant New York Times bestseller · Empowering advice for overcoming setbacks from the authors of the popular blog Marc & Angel Hack Life

Marc and Angel Chernoff have become go-to voices in the area of personal development, reaching tens of thousands of fans each day with their fresh and relatable insights. Now they're writing the book they wish they'd had when they needed it most.

Getting Back to Happy reveals their strategies for changing thought patterns and daily habits to bounce back from tough times. Sharing never-before-published stories and advice, the book shows us how to harness the power of daily rituals, mindfulness, self-care, and more to overcome whatever life throws our way--in order to become our best selves.


A powerful and easy-to-read tour of what it means to be a human being. Marc & Angel shine a personal and psychologically practical light on the surprising ways in which we distract ourselves from what matters most in life, through good times and bad. Getting Back to Happy is a must-read guide for getting back on track.
Lewis Howes, New York Times bestselling author of The School of Greatness and The Mask of Masculinity

"If you are skeptical of those who say they can help you transform a painful, troubled life into one of fulfillment and peace, you need to know Angel & Marc Chernoff. Getting Back to Happy feels like an enlightening heart-to-heart conversation with wise and loving mentors. Through inspiring anecdotes and practical strategies, Angel & Marc lay out the step-by-step, revolutionary process that allowed them to move from despair and desolation to hope and positivity. Getting Back to Happy is much more than one couple s journey from rock bottom; it is a f amiliar hand in the darkness, leading you to the light of possibility and hope that s been within you all along.
Rachel Macy Stafford, New York Times bestselling author of Hands Free Mama, Hands Free Life, and Only Love Today

"Getting Back to Happy is a must-read for complex times. You can t control everything that happens to you in this crazy world, but you can control your response to it. Marc and Angel provide a grace-filled guide to navigate life and find happiness regardless of your circumstance.
Joshua Becker, founder of Becoming Minimalist and author of The More of Less

"I'm a big fan of advice based on real experience, and wisdom that reconnects us to some deeper sense of self and helps awaken a sense of potential. I also appreciate genuine insights that inspire shifts in perspective and attitude about what is and is not possible. Getting Back to Happy has all of this and more!"
Jonathan Fields, founder of Good Life Project and author of How to Live a Good Life

"Getting Back to Happy invites us to change our lives by changing our thoughts. The powerful lessons and action steps delivered throughout the book, mixed with beautiful stories of people experiencing heartbreak, trauma and hopelessness who rise up, don't just bring us back to happy they bring us back to hope, to love, and to trusting ourselves to live rich lives full of what matters most.
Courtney Carver, author of Soulful Simplicity

"Marc & Angel have written an easy-to-follow, wonderfully empowering guide to help you cultivate a deep and pervasive sense of well-being and happiness. Their down-to-earth, practical advice will provide you with a strong, solid inner foundation for life's ups and downs, and support you to be resourceful in the face of any challenges you may face along the way."
Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Calling in The One and Conscious Uncoupling

"Getting Back to Hap py is a powerful collection of candid, at times raw, life lessons accompanied by the perfect balance of professional research and specific techniques that will undoubtedly lay the foundation for drastic, positive changes across nearly every aspect of our lives."
Dr. Kristin M. Tolbert, Psy.D., licensed psychologist

"As a martial arts and fitness trainer, athlete, husband, father, business owner and entrepreneur, Getting Back to Happy was a life-saver to me in countless ways. Filled with actionable insights and strategies for important skills like building healthy daily rituals, staying mindful while under stress, working through impossible situations, and finding silver linings of happiness through it all, the book not only improved my life, but also equipped me with healthy ideas to pass on to my students and athletes."
John Hackleman, Trainer of UFC Champions

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