Intercultural Leadership

Intercultural Leadership - Humanistic Perspectives

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
44,90 €
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Verlag UTB
Auflage 2024
Seiten 552
Format 17,0 x 24,0 x 2,9 cm
Gewicht 920 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
ISBN-10 3825261867
EAN 9783825261863
Bestell-Nr 82526186A


For many of us, connecting with people across the world is now easy and commonplace. But coming into contact with different ways of doing things means losing our superpower of giving meaning to what is happening around us, interacting skilfully and building rapport.In the first part of this book, Sierk Horn shows how intercultural interactions set in motion psychological processes. The second part deals with the behavioural determinants of intercultural communication. The third part examines our social environment and how we deal with cultural differences.The book wants to make you curious about intercultural leadership. It invites you to explore humanistic perspectives in everyday communication. A wealth of exercises will accompany you on your learning journey.


PrefaceLeadership Across CulturesA Humanistic Perspective on Leadership Across CulturesA Manual for This BookFeatures of This Book1 Unfamiliar Worlds and Me1.1 Turning Global Integration into Intercultural Contact1.2 Conceptual Consideration (1): Sense-Making in Intercultural Encounters1.3 Conceptual Considerations (2): Communication in Intercultural Encounters1.4 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership2 Determinants of Cross-cultural Management Research: Then and Now2.1 'Cross-Cultural' Management Research: A Short History2.2 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership3 A Neo-behavioural Approach to Intercultural Encounters3.1 Intercultural Encounters as Interaction Between Environmental Influences and Psychological Processes3.2 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership4 Making Sense of Unfamiliar Worlds4.1 Edward T. Hall (1959)4.2 Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 19614.3 H ofstede (1976)4.4 Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner (1994)4.5 Schwartz (1994)4.6 Project GLOBE (2004)4.7 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership5 Life Biographies5.1 Life Biographies in the International Workplace5.2 Intercultural Competence as a Learning Journey5.3 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership6 Environment and Everyday Life Experiences6.1 Conceptual Considerations: The Roots of Learning About 'Otherness6.2 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership7 Activation7.1 Arousal and Intercultural Sense-Making7.2 Tonic and Phasic Activation7.3 Culture Bumps and Arousal Process7.4 The Effects of Culture Bumps7.5 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership8 Emotion8.1 Emotions in the International Workplace8.2 Conceptual Considerations: Emotions as Pass to Intercultural Leadership8.3 Are Emotions Universal or Culture-Specific?8.4 Applications in Intercultural Leadership8.5 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership9 Motivation9.1 Motivations in the International Workplace9.2 Conceptual Considerations: Why Do People Behave the Way They Do?9.3 Motivation Theories9.4 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership10 Culture & Fantastic Ways Where to Find It10.1 Largely Hidden Roots of Motivational Processes10.2 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership11 Motivation and Intercultural Competence11.1 Motivation as a Source for Developing Intercultural Abilities and Capacities11.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation11.3 The Importance of Self-Worth11.4 Two Pathways of Sense-Making: High and Low Pot of Practising Interculturality11.5 Navigating Fear Zones11.6 The Risk of Incongruence When Practising Interculturality11.7 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership12 Attit udes12.1 Attitudes in the International Workplace12.2 Attitudes and Intercultural Competence Conceptualisations12.3 A-B-C Model of Attitude12.4 Behaviour Predictability in Intercultural Encounters12.5 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership13 Attitude Change & Learning13.1 Attitude Change and Learning in the International Workplace13.2 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership14 Awareness14.1 Awareness in the International Workplace14.2 Managing and Responding to Culture Bumps14.3 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership15 Trust Creation15.1 Trust Creation in the International Workplace15.2 The Importance of Projecting Trust and Reliability15.3 Trustworthy Leadership15.4 Communications Skills Matter! Practical Applications in Intercultural Leadership16 Facework16.1 The Role of Facework in the International

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