Leading Through

Leading Through - Activating the Soul, Heart, and Mind of Leadership

Buchleinen, Sprache: Englisch
31,00 €
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Verlag Harvard Business Review Press
Auflage 2024
Seiten 272
Format 16,4 x 2,5 x 24,0 cm
Gewicht 561 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781647827618
Bestell-Nr 64782761UA


Generative AI and the remote-work revolution show us every day that we're in a new era. The rules and norms have changed-and so must leadership.

And yet, coercive bureaucracy, hierarchy, and control-old ways of thinking and working-are still with us, a deep-seated and powerful legacy. We are living through a profound transition from an old, industrial era to a new one that is digital, transparent, and complex.

In this important new book by former dean of Harvard Business School Kim Clark, written with his business school professor son, Jonathan, and management consultant daughter, Erin, the dynamic struggle between two competing paradigms of leadership is compellingly illustrated: an old paradigm that involves control and power over people versus a new one that enables and inspires power through people.

With rich examples and stories, the authors show how deeply ingrained the legacy model of leadership remains and how destructive it is, causing waste and l oss of human potential, stifling innovation, and ultimately resulting in what the authors call "organizational darkness." They go on to articulate a new, positive model, one that consciously seeks to do good and to make things better; that cares for people, helping them to thrive; and that mobilizes people to solve tough problems. These three elements, they argue, are the soul, heart, and mind of leadership, and activating them requires careful attention to both the personal and the organizational dimensions of leadership.

The narrative is interwoven with probing analysis and reflection, and the authors speak clearly and frankly about the moral aspects and impact of leadership. They also provide a concrete frame and approach for scaling the new model and creating a vibrant leadership system.

Leading Through is a deep and essential account of the evolution of our leadership thinking and practice that is both timely and timeless.


Advance Praise for Leading Through:

"Anyone who aspires to leadership needs to read Leading Through. The authors not only reveal a highly effective and fulfilling paradigm, they chart the choices that lead to it and cite the leaders who have achieved exemplary results practicing it." - Mitt Romney

"Through this innovative and eminently readable guide, the Clarks lay out a compelling vision for harnessing the power of a leadership style grounded in the soul, heart, and mind to bring out the very best in both individuals and organizations." - Gail McGovern, President and CEO, American Red Cross

"The most successful companies nurture and develop leadership at all levels, not just the top. The authors lay out a compelling and easy-to-follow road map for how organizations can do that more effectively." - Michael R. Bloomberg, cofounder, Chairman, and CEO, Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies; former Mayor of New York City

"The authors remind us that great leadership is not about having power over others, but rather power through others. They share their wisdom and courage on how we all can make the shift and 'generate light' in our organizations. One of the most compelling chapters of the book is about what leaders can do to embed moral discipline and discernment in organizations-prerequisites for thriving in these times of social turmoil and transformative technologies." - Linda A. Hill, Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; coauthor, Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Innovation

"Leading Through is the handbook of how to activate the potential in your people to make great things happen every week, every month. I sure wish I had this book when I became a CEO." - Scott Cook, cofounder, CEO, and Chairman, Intuit

"As a leader, you have to earn trust and respect every day. Leading Through provides insightful and practical guidance-on using your heart, soul, and mind-to develop a new way of leading with deeper meaning to help people thrive." - Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase

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