Listen to the Universe

Listen to the Universe - A beginner's guide to synchronicity

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag David & Charles
Auflage 2023
Seiten 128
Format 17,1 x 1,1 x 22,4 cm
Gewicht 339 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781446309872
Bestell-Nr 44630987UA


An accessible guide to the concept of "synchronicity" - written with those new to the concept in mind.
A beginner's guide to working with synchronicity - the practice of listening to the universe. Practical tips and exercises to help the reader tune into the messages the universe is trying to send them, helping them to live a more rounded and authentic life.

A practical guide to synchronicity and being in tune with the universe.Philosophy and self-help blend seamlessly in Listen to the Universe to give the reader a well-rounded understanding of the concept of synchronicity alongside suggestions for how to incorporate the lessons into everyday life and make listening to the universe as natural as breathing.Arranged over the course of 24 hours, life coach Anne-Sophie Casper shares what she has learned by letting go of the illusion of control she felt she had over her life - an illusion that was ultimately making her miserable. Instead, she turned her energies to trusting in the power of "synchronicities" as supplied by the universe.Written in an engaging tone, the book introduces the concept of synchronicity, exploring the meaning of the word and its genesis, and providing examples of what a synchronicity may be. It then goes on to explore ways that listening to and noticing the messages from the universe - the synchronicities we experi ence everyday - can ultimately lead us to greater contentment and connection. Guiding the reader through the course of a day, Listen to the Universe unpacks the moments where our senses are most in tune with the wider world, and shows the reader how to embrace and encourage this connection - as well as how to incorporate the lessons this heightened awareness can teach us.Throughout the book are moments for the reader to pause and engage with questionnaires and quizzes to help unpack the lessons and concepts outlined. Rooted firmly in the personal experience of the universe, it is the ultimate practical toolkit and guide for personal self-development and how to live a better life.


One particular significant event, which took place almost ten years ago, led me to consciously experience what Paulo Coelho is talking about. It was just after my very first coaching session as a coachee (I have been a personal and professional life coach, with a qualification from the Haute École de Coaching in Paris since 2016) that I discovered synchronicity. This discovery was a pivotal moment in my life, but it was not until a few years later that I became aware of its profound power. And I still have plenty more to learn! It is my belief that you need more than a single lifetime to penetrate all its mysteries.Sharing my experience through this book (and indeed all the books that I have written) is very important to me. My heartfelt aim is to bring you awareness to enable you to open your heart, body, mind and soul by humbly laying before you my discoveries, experiences and knowledge. I do not claim to be privy to the one, sole truth about synchronicity, because I, too, am a human being in the process of evolution. Like each one of us, I succeed, I fail and I learn every day. However, I share with you the truth that is mine today with authenticity, sincerity and kindness.In the first two sections of this book, you'll discover synchronicity and understand it a little more, and in the third section I'll invite you to spend a day getting your head around the concept: observing, deepening, interpreting and attracting synchronicity to you. If you are reading this, it is more than likely that you wish (consciously or otherwise) to make time for yourself, so here's the perfect opportunity to do just that. For 24 hours, take your time, respecting your inner dynamic equilibrium and personal rhythm. Don't forget, there is no such thing as chance. I wish you illumination in your reading.

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