Matilda, English edition

Matilda, English edition - Winner of the Kalbacher Klapperschlange 1989

Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch
Altersempfehlung: 6 - 9 Jahre
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Alter 6 - 9 Jahre
Auflage 2020
Seiten 192
Format 20,0 x 1,8 x 25,0 cm
Gewicht 675 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
ISBN-10 1984836102
EAN 9781984836106
Bestell-Nr 98483610UA


Now a musical on Broadway and streaming on Netflix!

Matilda is a sweet, exceptional young girl, but her parents think she s just a nuisance. She expects school to be different, but there she has to face Miss Trunchbull, a kid-hating terror of a headmistress. When Matilda is attacked by the Trunchbull, she suddenly discovers she has a remarkable power with which to fight back. It will take superhuman genius to give Miss Trunchbull what she deserves, and Matilda may be just the one to do it!

This beautiful deluxe edition contains the complete and unabridged text of Roald Dahl s beloved novel with brand-new illustrations throughout by Sarah Walsh.


The Reader of Books

It s a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.

Some parents go further. They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.

Well, there is nothing very wrong with all this. It s the way of the world. It is only when the parents begin telling us about the brilliance of their own revolting offspring, that we start shouting, Bring us a basin! We re going to be sick!

School teachers suffer a good deal from having to listen to this sort of twaddle from proud parents, but they usually get their own back when the time comes to write the end-of-term reports. If I were a teacher I would cook up some real scorchers for the children of doting parents. Your son Maximilian , I would write, is a total wash-out. I hope you have a family business you can p ush him into when he leaves school because he sure as heck won t get a job anywhere else. Or if I were feeling lyrical that day, I might write, It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing-organs in the sides of the abdomen. Your daughter Vanessa, judging by what she s learnt this term, has no hearing-organs at all.

I might even delve deeper into natural history and say, The periodical cicada spends six years as a grub underground, and no more than six days as a free creature of sunlight and air. Your son Wilfred has spent six years as a grub in this school and we are still waiting for him to emerge from the chrysalis. A particularly poisonous little girl might sting me into saying, Fiona has the same glacial beauty as an iceberg, but unlike the iceberg she has absolutely nothing below the surface. I think I might enjoy writing end-of-term reports for the stinkers in my class. But enough of that. We have to get on.

Occasionally one comes across p arents who take the opposite line, who show no interest at all in their children, and these of course are far worse than the doting ones. Mr and Mrs Wormwood were two such parents. They had a son called Michael and a daughter called Matilda, and the parents looked upon Matilda in particular as nothing more than a scab. A scab is something you have to put up with until the time comes when you can pick it off and flick it away. Mr and Mrs Wormwood looked forward enormously to the time when they could pick their little daughter off and flick her away, preferably into the next county or even further than that.

It is bad enough when parents treat ordinary children as though they were scabs and bunions, but it becomes somehow a lot worse when the child in question is extraordinary, and by that I mean sensitive and brilliant. Matilda was both of these things, but above all she was brilliant. Her mind was so nimble and she was so quick to learn that her ability should have been obv ious even to the most half-witted of parents. But Mr and Mrs Wormwood were both so gormless and so wrapped up in their own silly little lives that they failed to notice anything unusual about their daughter. To tell the truth, I doubt they would have noticed had she crawled into the house with a broken leg.

Matilda s brother Michael was a perfectly normal boy, but the sister, as I said, was something to make your eyes pop. By the age of one and a half her speech was perfect and she knew as many words as most grown-ups. The parents, instead of applauding her, called her a noisy chatterbox and told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard.

By the time she was three, Matilda had taught herself to read by studying newspapers and magazines that lay around the house. At the age of four, she could read fast and well and she naturall

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