On Tyranny Graphic Edition

On Tyranny Graphic Edition - Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Penguin Random House
Auflage 2021
Seiten 128
Format 17,9 x 25,3 x 1,0 cm
Gewicht 383 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781984859150
Bestell-Nr 98485915UA


NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A graphic edition of historian Timothy Snyder s lessons for surviving and resisting America s arc toward authoritarianism, featuring the visual storytelling talents of renowned illustrator Nora Krug

Nora Krug has visualized and rendered some of the most valuable lessons of the twentieth century, which will serve all citizens as we shape the future. Shepard Fairey, artist and activist

Timothy Snyder s New York Times bestseller On Tyranny uses the darkest moments in twentieth-century history, from Nazism to Communism, to teach twenty lessons on resisting modern-day authoritarianism. Among the twenty include a warning to be aware of how symbols used today could affect tomorrow ( 4: Take responsibility for the face of the world ), an urgent reminder to research everything for yourself and to the fullest extent ( 11: Investigate ), a point to use personalized and individualized speech rather than clichéd phrases for the sake of mass appeal ( 9: Be kind to our language ), and more.

In this graphic edition, Nora Krug draws from her highly inventive art style in Belonging at once a graphic memoir, collage-style scrapbook, historical narrative, and trove of memories to breathe new life, color, and power into Snyder s riveting historical references, turning a quick-read pocket guide of lessons into a visually striking rumination. In a time of great uncertainty and instability, this edition of On Tyranny emphasizes the importance of being active, conscious, and deliberate participants in resistance.


Timothy Snyder is brilliant. On Tyranny is a must read, a clear-eyed guidebook for anyone seeking to learn from history to help us understand the present. It is a manual for how to protect and preserve Democracy. The past teaches us that we, as individuals, must act to reaffirm and protect the freedoms and institutions that we collectively cherish. Listen, learn, be kind and courageous. This stunning new edition beautifully illustrated by Nora Krug makes the lessons jump off the page, into our hearts, filling us with the urgent imperative: act now, before it is too late. Ken Burns

A more concise, profound, or essential book on the subject does not exist. Snyder s masterwork is a stunning reminder of the myriad, insidious forms oppression takes. Now beautifully illustrated by Nora Krug, On Tyranny is a bellwether for what we must be awake to, and fight against. J.J. Abrams, filmmaker, Star Trek and Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Vastly important, deeply affecting, powerful, magnificent. Philippe Sands, author, East West Street and The Ratline

Timothy Snyder s On Tyranny is already an essential read, but the book s analysis of the mechanics of authoritarianism, fascism, and other forms of tyranny is even more potently delivered in its graphic edition, illustrated by Nora Krug. Krug s playful but powerful and evocative drawings and diagrams amplify the important ideas in On Tyranny and serve as the sugar to help the reader digest the medicine of the book s cautionary look at threats to democracy. We are often told to visualize things that are crucial to commit to memory. In the graphic edition of On Tyranny, Nora Krug has visualized and rendered some of the most valuable lessons of the 20th century which will serve all citizens as we shape the future. Shepard Fairey, artist and activist

On Tyranny is one of the most important books of our time, and Krug enriches Snyder's powerful, accessible text with a transcendent human ity. This book should be read and experienced by everyone, its lessons carved into our hearts. Nate Powell, graphic novelist, March and Save It for Later

It is impossible to overstate the urgency of Timothy Snyder s handbook for recognizing and resisting the normalization of barbarism. Nora Krug illustrates with soulful beauty and the moral clarity of an artist who never flinches. The combination is as hopeful as it is devastating. Krug s illustrated edition of On Tyranny is more than an instant classic. It is an act of resistance and a gift of love. Joshua Oppenheimer, filmmaker, The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence

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