The Illustrator's Guide To Procreate

The Illustrator's Guide To Procreate - How to make digital art on your iPad

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag David & Charles
Auflage 2023
Seiten 128
Format 21,7 x 0,9 x 27,9 cm
Gewicht 544 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781446309629
Bestell-Nr 44630962UA


Illustrated in a fresh modern style to appeal to a largely female illustration audience.
Learn how to create professional-looking art and illustration in Procreate. In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to create unique art, make seamless patterns, and master all the elements of the software: from layers to gradients, how to use brushes, how to tile patterns and everything you need to know to take your art to new digital highs.

Unlock your creativity with easy digital illustration techniques.Learn how to create professional-looking art and illustration in Procreate, the industry-leading digital painting app for iPad. In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to create unique art, make seamless patterns, and master all the elements of the software: from layers to selections, how to use brushes, how to tile patterns and everything you need to know to take your art to new digital highs.Artist and illustrator Ruth Burrows takes a beginner-friendly, jargon-free approach to explaining how to get the most from Procreate, delivering not a heavy technical manual but rather, an inspirational workbook that encourages you to play, make mistakes and seek out your own way of using the app.The Basic Tools section introduces essential features and takes you on a quick tour of Procreate.You will learn by doing and if you're unsure of anything later on, you can dip back into this section to refresh your memory.The Pro jects section takes you a bit further on your 'learning by doing' journey. The first few projects explain techniques step-by-step. There are screenshots of the actual interface so you can see exactly how things work and where things are. The later projects are more art based and look in detail at how the author uses Procreate to make her highly commercial art.By the end of this book, you will be creating digital illustrations that will feel as natural and intuitive as drawing with pencil and paper. As well as mastering the art techniques, you will also find practical advice on how to monetize your artwork, from tips on licensing to how to have your art printed on products, and more.


Procreate is my small-but-mighty friend! It's a powerful tool for creative people, condensed down to the size of a slim notebook. The interface is simple to use. However, behind every light tap or swipe of the screen is a vast library of resources designed to help you make art intuitively.I bought my first iPad Pro nearly six years ago. The single reason for the purchase was to download and install Procreate, a program I'd just started hearing about and was desperate to try for myself. I distinctly remember using it for the first time to draw a snowman, and how I wowed my handful of Instagram followers with the resulting Time-lapse video showing the process! Since then, I have used Procreate consistently for both personal, fun work and for professional design and illustration jobs. That's why I call it my friend! It's an app that is reliable, complex but easy to understand, travels by your side with the minimum of fuss, and helps you solve problems by constantly providing simple s olutions.INSPIRATION AND PLAY!In this book, I would like to introduce you to the way I make my art and illustration using Procreate. It's a "how-to" book, but it's also a "how you might want to" guide. By this, I mean to say, feel free to follow the steps included within these pages, but I encourage you to experiment and explore other ways of working with the app.What this book is not, is a technical book. I'm a creative person - I often work spontaneously, without much of a plan. I use Procreate to help me create both impulsive, quick sketches, and also complex, meandering illustrations with many elements and layers. In short, I use it to solve problems in my work.With this in mind, I would like to pass on to you not a heavy technical manual, but rather, an inspirational workbook that encourages you to play, make mistakes and seek out your own way of using the app.

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