Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions
Verlag | Thieme |
Auflage | 2015 |
Seiten | 324 |
Format | 20,4 x 27,5 x 1,9 cm |
Hardback (Thread Stitching) | |
Gewicht | 1048 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 3131723912 |
EAN | 9783131723918 |
Bestell-Nr | 13172391A |
Edited by renowned experts, with contributions from leading authorities, this book provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of TLM for the treatment of benign lesions and malignant tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx.
Key Features:
- Accompanied by more than 300 exceptional illustrations
- Detailed descriptions of the surgical techniques for the different anatomical locations
- Tips and tricks for improving exposure
- Discussions of potential complications, their incidence, and prevention and management
- Results of oncological outcomes, survival rates, organ preservation rates, and complication rates for each anatomical subsite, and also comparable results with alternative treatment modalities
- Advice on postoperative management, rehabilitation, and adjuvant therapy
This state-of-the-art book is an invaluable resource for surgeons because it covers not only the equipment and surgical aspects but, very importantly for decis ion making, it also provides site-specific evidence for the use of TLM in the treatment of benign disorders and malignant disease, even at advanced stages.
Part 1 Materials and Method
1 History of Laser Application in Surgery of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
2 Physical Properties of Lasers: Introduction to Laser Physics for Medical Personnel
3 Flexor Fiber CO2 Laser and Transoral Robotic Surgery
4 Equipment and Instrumentation for Transoral Laser Microsurgery
5 Anesthesia for Transoral Laser Microsurgery
Part 2 Treatment of Benign Lesions and Disorders of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
6 Endoscopic Treatment of Laryngeal, Subglottic, and Tracheal Stenosis
7 CO2 Laser Surgery for Benign Pharyngeal Lesions: Snoring, Hypopharyngeal (Zenker) Diverticulum, Palatine and Lingual Tonsils
8 Benign and Premalignant Lesions of the Larynx
9 Premalignant Lesions of the Oral Cavity
Part 3 Treatment of Malignant Tumors of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
10 Principles of the Göttingen Concept for Transoral Laser Microsurgery of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancer
11 ELS Classification of Transoral Resections< br>12 Technical Details for Transoral Laser Microsurgery in the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx, Base of the Tongue, Hypopharynx, Glottis and Anterior Commissure, and Supraglottis: Tips and Tricks to Improve Exposure
13 The Study of Biopsies Taken by Laser Microsurgery: The Pathologist's View and the ENT View
14 The Role of Neck Dissection in Transoral Laser Microsurgery
Part 4 Results
15 Transoral Laser Microsurgery of the Oral Cavity
16 Transoral Laser Microsurgery of the Oropharynx
17 Transoral Laser Microsurgery of the Base of the Tongue
18 Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Hypopharyngeal Carcinomas
19 Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Early Glottic Tumors (Tis, T1a, T1b, and T2)
20 Transoral Laser Microsurgery of the Anterior Commissure of the Larynx
21 Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Advanced Glottic Tumors
22 Laser Salvage Surgery after Failed Radiotherapy
23 Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Early Supraglottic Tumors
24 Advanced Supraglottic Tumors: T3 and Selected T4
Part 5 Postoperative Management, Complications, Rehabilitation, and Adjuvant Therapy
25 Immediate Postoperative Management
26 Complications of Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Malignant Tumors of the Larynx and Hypopharynx
27 Deglutition after Laser Surgery
28 Rehabilitation of Deglutition
29 Voice Outcome in Glottic Tumors
30 Voice Rehabilitation
31 Transoral CO2 Laser Resection for Arytenoid Edema and Posterior Glottic Stenosis
32 Quality of Life after Transoral Laser Microsurgery
33 The Learning Curve in Transoral Laser Microsurgery