Writing in English Studies - A Guide for Students in English Linguistics and Literature
Verlag | UTB |
Auflage | 2020 |
Seiten | 164 |
Format | 15,1 x 18,5 x 1,0 cm |
BC | |
Gewicht | 182 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
Reihe | UTB Uni-Taschenbücher 5363 |
ISBN-10 | 3825253635 |
EAN | 9783825253639 |
Bestell-Nr | 82525363A |
How does academic writing work in English linguistics and in English literary and cultural studies? This book serves as a student guide to the conventions of writing in these disciplines. It introduces how linguistic and literary and cultural researchers think and write in their fields. Vivid examples and quotations from student papers show elegant solutions for approaching structure and formulation in academic writing. In this way, this volume makes the composition of university papers more accessible.
Wie funktioniert das wissenschaftliche Schreiben in der anglistischen Linguistik und der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft? Der Ratgeber zeigt, wie die Konventionen des Schreibens in beiden Disziplinen direkt mit dem jeweiligen Forschen und Denken zusammenhängen. Anschauliche Beispiele und Zitate zeigen elegante Lösungen für Schwierigkeiten beim Schreiben auf. Studierende und Lehrende finden hier praktische Strategien für das Verständnis und die Redaktion von Texten im Rahmen der English Studies.
Instead of a preface71. The practices of writing111.1 Why academic writing is hard121.2 Academic writing means joining a conversation131.3 Finding literature281.4 Text in progress: drafting, revising, and editing361.5 How to become an expert on your own writing44Reference list502. Writing in linguistics512.1 Thinking, writing, and communication in English linguistics512.2 How linguists write about linguistic questions562.3 Content of linguistic writing572.4 Finding a topic and formulating a research statement712.5 Structure (IMRaD)81Reference list100Suggested solutions to the tasks1023. Writing in literary and cultural studies1043.1 Thinking, writing, and communication in Anglo-American literary and cultural studies1043.2 Building your argument: rhetoric, argumentation, and structure1113.3 Building your argument: theory, formal analysis, and interpretation1343.4 How to begin149Reference list156Acknowledgements159Index160