Guiding progress towards sustainable energy access for all - Multi-dimensional metrics and equitable energy service provision. Dissertationsschrift
Verlag | Shaker |
Auflage | 2022 |
Seiten | 124 |
Format | 15,1 x 0,8 x 21,3 cm |
Gewicht | 182 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
Reihe | Schriftenreihe der Reiner Lemoine-Stiftung |
ISBN-10 | 3844088113 |
EAN | 9783844088113 |
Bestell-Nr | 84408811M |
This dissertation explores the measurement of energy access and energy poverty, and its role in guiding policies to facilitate universal and equitable energy access. This is a cumulative dissertation and is therefore presented in two parts. Six peer-reviewed papers comprise the body of work and are presented in the appendices. The narrative summary, presented as this main text, guides the reader through the work conducted and describes the main findings and arguments that this dissertation seeks to defend.