Rainbow Magick

Rainbow Magick - Twelve creative color quests for art witches

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
20,90 €
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Verlag David & Charles
Auflage 2024
Seiten 128
Format 21,1 x 1,0 x 27,6 cm
Gewicht 541 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781446312902
Bestell-Nr 44631290UA


Has crossover appeal with potential to engage artists and writers with the focus and exploration of colour theory.
Rainbow Magick is a magical method for creating an artful and enchanted life with color magic. This illustrated guide to being creative with color investigates the scientific, historical, psychological and esoteric meaning of colors and their practical applications for curious creatives and magickally inclined artists.

Rainbow Magick is a magickal method for creating an artful and enchanted life filled with creativity and the magick of color. This illustrated guide explores the power to be found in working with all the vibrant hues to be found around us, and filling your life with the brilliance of the rainbow.Rainbow Magick guides the reader through a sequence of twelve "quests" in the form of crafts, recipes, activities, meditations and imaginative color experiments to experience the delightful benefits of color magick. From meeting the rainbow and learning about the meanings and associations of each color, to curating your own color guide, each quest deepens your relationship with the colors that speak to your soul, and encourages you to see the magick in the everyday. Author Molly Roberts lays out the seasonal and astrological palettes and what they mean, and offers practical tips and tricks on everything to do with the magick of color, from constructing a rainbow glamour, making temporary t attoos to wear a little magick on your body, through to rituals and visualisations to make color magick a part of your life.The twelve color "quests" are the perfect practical exercises and experience to fire up the creative spirit and make drenching your life with the power of color seem the most natural thing in the world. Each quest explores a different aspect of the power of color, and is illustrated with stunning photography, providing a feast for the eyes as well as the spirit. Brimming with joy, Rainbow Magick is the perfect guide to unleashing a kaleidoscope of color - and joy - in your life. An essential read for all art witches, creative spirits, and anyone craving a more vibrant and exciting color-filled life.Inspired an online course offered by the bonafide art witch Molly Roberts, Rainbow Magick dives deep into the magick of color, while tapping into the esoteric, and inspiring readers to bring the magick of color into their lives!


If you are reading these words, they were meant for you. If you have found your way to this book, you are undoubtedly a Rainbowmancer. A world bereft of playful wizardry lets loose a sigh of relief as you recover your gifts and bless us with your unique expression of rainbow magick.Beyond The Candle and Over the Rainbow...Like a roost of flustered attic bats, the discoveries fluttered in thick and fast, swirling in the mind and bursting through the windows of my eyes into the blazing sunset. Off on an adventure to see things as no other creature could.Unbeknownst to me, the day I dedicated my life to art witchery was also the day I married into the world of rainbow magick. There would be no turning back from this generous dimension.In my quest to learn more about the magickal uses of color, it became clear that many resources on the subject started and stopped with candle magick. Color was usually quarantined to a tidy little chart in the back of a book. While these offerings were helpful, I knew there were more expansive, juicy, fun, and weird ways to experience color magick. The world of color was an exciting mythical bestiary too expansive and slippery to be contained by a feeble fence. So where were they hiding?This little grimoire is the distillation of more than 10 years of researching, performing, and teaching color magick through exhibitions, classes, and play at the altar. Rainbow Magick is a creative approach to living in full color; a bubbling cauldron in which the scientific, spiritual, artistic, cultural, and soulful mingle and coalesce.The following chapters are divided into Quests brimming with spells, crafts, and resources to help you experience the art of rainbow magick for yourself. We'll make space for creativity to flourish and invite your imagination to thrive.

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